
vendredi 24 juin 2016

Heading for the other end of the world

Ca y est. Nos affaires sont parties pour leur long voyage sur le Pacifique.
Et nous, on commence notre long sejour en hotel.

Nous restons presque exactement au même endroit ou nous restions a notre arrivée.
Tellement de souvenirs. Tellement de choses ont changées. Mais on dirait quand même que c'était hier. Ha, si seulement on pouvait revenir a ce hier. J'y retournerais sans hésiter.


That's it. All of our belongings are gone for their long trip across the Pacific ocean.
And we are beginning our long stay in hotels.

We are staying at almost exactly the same place we stayed when we first arrived.
So many memories. So many things have changed. But again, it really feels like it was yesterday.
Ah, if only we could return to that yesterday. I would go back in a heartbeat.

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