Près de la plage, les habitants de l'île organisent des petits kiosques où ils vendent de la nourriture, des boissons, tressent les cheveux, etc. La mer était bleu, les poissons colorés et le sable blanc. Et ce fût notre seule journée où il faisait chaud et soleil. On a lu, dormi, nagé, creusé, enterré des noix de coco et mangé des brochettes de poulet et des beignets. La vie des îles, quoi.
In Mare, we did nothing. In fact, in Mare, there was nothing to do. The cruise company had hired all the cars/buses/minivans of the island to transport the passengers between the port and what they advertised as "the nicest beach you have ever seen". The beach was beautiful, of course, but I am not certain it totally deserves the title...
Locals had installed kiosk near the beach to sell food, drinks, braid hair, etc. The ocean was blue, the fish were colourful and the sand was white. And this was our only warm and sunny day. We read, slept, swam, dig, buried coconuts and ate chicken skewers and "beignets". The island way of life.
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