On a suivit cette recette. Mais je dois avouer que les résultats furent mitigés. Élie a beaucoup aimé le processus, parce que c'était, selon lui, une "expérience-bricolage", et il a passé beaucoup de temps à inspecter le frigidaire et la cour à la recherche d'ingrédients pouvant servir à faire des teintures. Le résultat ne fût pas si vilain, et on n'a gaspillé aucun oeuf (ils ont tous été dévorés; les derniers ayant été servis en sandwich aux oeufs dans le lunch ce midi!). Par contre, on a dû se reprendre à quelques reprises pour obtenir des teintures qui fonctionnaient vraiment, et si je devais recommencer, j'éviterais complètement d'ajouter du vinaigre aux couleurs (le vinaigre faire en sorte de faire ramollir -voir fondre- la coquille, et donc, on ne pouvait pas y laisser les oeufs très longtemps).
Vous avez une meilleure recette? Ou bien une autre idée amusante pour l'an prochain?
I always like decorating Easter eggs with the kids, but I usually forget to prepare the egg shells in advance and end up with a dozen raw eggs to cook (because I always break half of the shells while trying to empty them). So this year, we tried to colour hard boiled eggs with natural dyes instead, so that we could eat them afterwards.
We followed this recipe. But I have to admit that we were not 100% successful. Elie loved the process, which he called "experiment-crafting", and spent lots of time looking for things to use to make dye in the fridge and in the backyard. The results weren't that bad either, and we didn't waste any eggs (we ate them all; the last ones were served in eggs salad sandwiches for lunch today!). However, we needed a few attempts to make dyes that would really colour the eggs, and if I was to start again, I would completely avoid adding vinaigre to the liquid (the vinaigre actually cause the eggshell to soften -even melt-, so we couldn't leave the eggs in the dye long enough).
Anyone else got a better recipe? Or another fun idea for next year?
The year we decorated eggs, we just used Crayola felt tips, or food-grade markers, like you get in the grocery or cooking shops, can't remember which one it was. Not the most sophisticated, but we all lived to tell the tale, and it was fun... more than this year, where we all had gastro all of the long weekend! :p xx